2015 in review


I am just now getting caught up on some emails.  And I was happily surprised to find this in my inbox.

Every WordPress user gets one. When I first seen it I thought it was cute, and of coarse, had to check my stats.

I am more then a little surprised. I didn’t think my little blog had 1900 views. I know a lot of you have higher numbers, but this is big to me. And awesome.

Over 50 countries checked out this blog and it was really cool seeing which posts people loved the most.

I am pretty excited about the progress I will make in 2016!! 🙂

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,900 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 32 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Year End Wrap Up


I wasn’t able to be around much this month. With work and the holidays, I didn’t have any time nor energy to sit at the computer very much.

But here I am. Another year just about over, and new beginnings just around the corner.

I want to first of all thank all my awesome and lovely followers. To all of you who have stuck it out with me, who stay around for my rambles, thank you. You all rock! I have loved getting to know some of you and I hope that continues for 2016.

This past year has been a crazy one. There were some hectic and stressful moments but there were a lot of great moments. I didn’t get to read as much as I wanted but I did read some great works. I finished writing a novel, accomplished a lot for the wedding (Countdown to the geeky wedding…8 and a half months!), and I have learned who my friends are and aren’t.

I am not going to make promises to myself for the new year. But I am going to make plans. Like finish planning the geekiest wedding a person could see. 😉 Writing another novel, tackling the many unread books on my shelf, and making memories with the people I love.

I wish you all the best. I hope that 2016 is full of wonderful things. That you get what you want from it and from life. And that you stick around for another year of my rambles.

Much love to you all,

The Geeky Book Lady


Goosebumps: The Movie, Books and My Childhood


The first book series that I was OBSESSED with were the Goosebumps series written by R.L. Stine. I can’t stress what a HUGE part these books played in my childhood. And as I got older I read the Fear Street series as well.


I would devour these books in no time. Anytime I had a few bucks to spend, I bought a new book. For my birthday and Christmas, I was sure to get books or something Goosebump related.

They helped foster my love of horror and writing (I was already a big book nerd).

When the tv show I came out, I watched every episode.

My collection of these books went away over the years. When I was a teen I gave a good chunk of them away. And I regretted it. The few I had left are missing. Most likely lost when I moved a couple years ago.

After years of feeling nostalgic over these books, I heard that the movie was coming out.

goosebumps movie

And this weekend I finally got to see it.

Mr. C and I settled in on Friday night. Being the geek I am, I was getting really excited. I asked Mr. C if he had read the books. I got a big “nope”. And then I asked if he watched the tv show. Another nope. And my next thought was “But you won’t GET it!”

Yes he would get the story line and the monsters. But he wouldn’t get what I was feeling. As I watched the movie unfold, I sometimes got giddy. And as I seen Slappy come on screen, I looked at Mr. C and said “I’m 33 and he still gives me the creeps.”

I absolutely LOVED the movie. Jack Black isn’t an actor I usually like, but he nailed this role. I loved the story line, seeing the characters I loved growing up in action yet again. And after it was over, it ended in classic Goosebumps form. Just when you think everything is happy, there is that one last horror twist.

Did you read these books? What book(s) were you hooked on as a kid?