Fan Mail: Recent Successes!!!


With everything that has been going on lately, I have totally forgotten about my fan mail.

Back in July, Mister and I decided that we would make August our best writing month yet. Last year in July, we wrote 67 letters in one month. I said we needed to beat that! (Chalk that ambition up to the sun finally emerging and me getting an overdose of vitamin D, lol.)

So, in August we ended up writing 69 letters between us. I think he wrote more then me BUT I wrote a huge chunk. I would come home from work after a busy day, tired, and he would ask “So, who are you writing tonight?” My reply was zombie-like with an “uuughhhgg”.

However, the work paid off! We have already gotten successes from our August writing, and others from older letters. i have been pretty pumped with my new autographs!

auto flash

Grant from ‘The Flash’.

I also wrote to another cast member from ‘The Flash’. Robbie Amell was awesome enough to sign my pic!

auto robbie


I have gotten hooked on ‘Once Upon A Time’. I did watch season one and then for some reason wasn’t able to watch much of season two and nothing from then on. However I am quickly catching up and writing to some of the cast!

auto charming

Josh Dallas plays David/Prince Charming.

I sent two pics to him and he signed both! πŸ™‚

auto 1

I was stoked to get this cast member the other day!!!

auto 2

I loved her on ‘House’ and now I love her as ‘Emma Swan’.

I also wrote to a couple of classy ladies. Women I have watched in re-runs when I was a kid. I loved them then and I love them now.

auto 3

Carol Burnett.

auto 4

Carol in one of her famous skits.

And the other classy and sassy lady is….

betty white

Betty White!!!

I still love her as Rose on ‘The Golden Girls’.

betty white 2

Golden Girl re-runs are the best πŸ˜€

I just had to write to these guys.

auto 5

Aaron Eckhart. I have loved him in so many roles over the years.

auto 6

Tim Allen!!!

And not to mention this awesome guy…

auto 8

John Travolta!!!

When you write to John Travolta, he will send you an extra autographed pic! Here it is:

auto 7

The extra pic he sent. So cool!

I also wrote to some kick ass ladies. This autograph had me “squeeeeeeeeing” all the way out of the post office. One of my all time fave actresses!

auto melissa

Melissa McCarthy in ‘The Heat’ (which was frickin hilarious!)

My fave female vampire…

auto pam

Kristen Bauer Van Straten as ‘Pam’ in True Blood’.

And last but not least, a fab actress who I loved in ‘Chuck’ as well as Dexter.


Yvonne Strahovski.

Wow! I didn’t realize how many I had come in since the last autographs I posted.

I love writing fan mail. And I love the thrill when I get an autograph in the mail. There are the odd ‘return to sender’ for various reasons, such as an outdated address, but that kind of things is rare in our mailbox (luckily!).

Until next time, happy writing! πŸ™‚ (Or whatever makes your geek heart happy!)

Ending My Week On A Geeky Note


Work has been crazy busy, which is great. But by Friday evening I was more then ready for the weekend.

When I got home, there was a large brown envelope waiting for me. I knew it was another autograph success!!!

And what a success it was! I squealed as I opened the envelope and pulled this out.

simon pegg

Simon Pegg, in one of my fave movies, Hot Fuzz.

I got this one back fairly quick, which was awesome. He’s currently filming here in Canada and he was able to get to his fan mail right away it seems since it took less then two weeks for it to come back to me.

I am a HUGE fan of Simon Pegg. I love everything I have seen him in especially ‘Hot Fuzz’, ‘Paul’, and ‘Shaun of the Dead.’

I also spent last night laughing my ass off with four pretty awesome nerdy men. Mr. C and I invited a few of our friends over and one of them brought ‘Risk-Godstorm.’ I love Risk and different versions of it. The game was pretty good (a tad confusing), but it was a lot of fun and kept us going until the wee hours of the morning.

The geekiness doesn’t stop there. Tonight I am heading to a wedding reception. The theme? Batman! I am super stoked to celebrate with this awesome couple and to maybe borrow some ideas for my own nerdy wedding next year. πŸ™‚

I hope you are all enjoying your summer and have a fantastic weekend!

A New Autograph and Fandom Friday!!


Well as promised, I said I’d be back this week with my first ever Fandom Friday!! The first theme is childhood movies.

Since I was unable to post earlier in the week, I’m bringing a bunch of geekiness to this post.

I was surprised tonight by a piece of mail. Mr. C thought it would be funny to hide my newest big brown envelope for awhile. I couldn’t be mad long when I opened it to find this!


Hugh Jackman!!

I am a big fan of this guy and Wolverine is my most favorite character from the X-Men comics. So I am pretty stoked to have gotten this today! Yay!

My first Fandom Friday theme Β was inspired when I was sick earlier in the month. When I had the flu from hell, I spent a few days on my sofa, watching some of my favorites growing up. Movies that I still watch on a regular basis. I have a lot of them so for today’s random movie list I am picking five of my faves!

#1: The Princess Bride


Princess Buttercup and Westly.

This movie is a classic, and has a little bit of everything. Fencing, true love, revenge, to name just a few. I can safely say that Westly was my first ever crush and love. What’s not to like about a handsome and rugged man hurrying to rescue and be with his true love? I’ve watched this movie hundreds of times.

#2- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Old school turtles are the best!!

These old school turtles are way better then the new ones. I wish that they had kept these costumes, I’m not even kidding. I grew up obsessed with these lovable dudes. (And even dressed as Michelangelo for Halloween when I was 10.) It’s actually been awhile since I watched these, so that’s going up high on my to do list.

#3- Harry and The Hendersons


One of the first movies I fell in love with. Right after The Princess Bride.

I was about seven when I watched this for the first time. And I am pretty sure that Harry is the reason why I began to love and learn about myths and legends. This movie is too cute with some laughs and a few feels.

#4- Lady Hawke


I always was a sucker for romance.

Not only did I love the setting of this movie, I loved the magic and even at ten years old, I loved romance. Especially when the two were torn apart and couldn’t be together. When you love someone, you can overcome anything. Even when it seems impossible.

#5- Star Wars


A badass team.

I don’t really think I need to explain my love of Star Wars. Because it is fecking STAR WARS!!! What is not to love!? And they have a wookie for fuck sakes! A WOOKIE!!!! When Mr. C and I have our Big Fat Geek Wedding next year, our emcee is even dressing up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

I should technically thank one of my sister’s, since she is the one who introduced me to all these movies and turned me into the movie buff that I am today.

So, what movies did you love growing up? πŸ™‚

Letter Month Kick Off And Some Autographs


A month of letters officially starts for me today! YAY!

For those of you who don’t know, I am going to write at least one piece of happy mail each day this month. This morning I sat to write a letter to Shannon B., as well as make up an envelope for my niece. She collects postcards, and since I have a huge collection, every so often I send her a few. She’s also making my wedding programs, so I sent her a few things in regards to what I want on them.


My stationary I bought from Lapapierre on Etsy, my address book, stamper and stickers for my envelope.

I was pretty stoked writing this letter. After the blah winter we have been having, it feels good getting back into the groove of things.


The envelope for my niece and my finished letter. Oh, and my new Game of Thrones journal. I had nothing at hand to cover the address, so it gave me an excuse to throw that in there πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to start filling its pages!

I had a slow incoming mail month in January. But one of those items was an autograph to add to my collection!


Hugh Dancy

About three months ago I wrote to Hugh Dancy, who is currently on the TV show ‘Hannibal’. (Which is an awesome show! Didn’t think I would like it but ate up two seasons in about two weeks!) I was pretty excited to get this.

And since I am a big bookworm, I can’t believe I forgot to post about this next autograph success!


Jodi Picoult

I got this autographed card back from one of my fave authors a couple of months ago. Since I am making a book themed Smashbook (more on that later), I will dedicate a page to her and add this autograph to it.

Who else out there is doing Letter Writing Month? I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!

Christmas Book Haul


Mr. C told me for the last few months that I would NOT be getting any new books for Christmas this year. I thought he was a big meanie, and figured okay, well I will get my own during the Boxing day sales!

So imagine my surprise this morning when I ended up unwrapping a total of 6 new books from him! Plus one from my mom. (Ok, so I picked that one out myself and she gave me the money for it.)


The J.R Ward is the one I picked out myself. It is part of her Blackdagger Brotherhood series (which I am addicted to. Bad ass vampires who would die for their mates…yup, totally my thing!)

The first three books are the ones you see up top. I don’t usually read biographies of any sort unless they REALLY interest me. But since I love Ron Pearlman, John Lithgow and Jeff Dunham, I am pretty stoked and happy to get these. BONUS: The John Lithgow book is SIGNED!! SWEET!! (I loved him since I was eight, after watching ‘Harry and the Hendersons.’)

Then I opened book two in the ‘Locke and Key’ series. I had bought book one back in the summer at Fan Expo, so I had been hinting (*cough* bugging) for book two for a little while now.

And then, and then I hit the jackpot. I pretty much freaked. I opened Bratva, which takes place in the ‘Sons of Anarchy’ world. The final book I opened was the hardcover SOA companion book, which is beautiful and awesome and smells soooooooooooo good.

As much as I want to crack into one of these right now, my eyes are heavy with a turkey hangover.

Did you get any new books? If so, which ones!? πŸ™‚

Happy Mail!


Ever have one of those days that starts off so good that you just know it’s going to be a good day? That’s the kind of day I had. Totally makes up for last Friday, when anything and everything went to total crap right from the start.

I’ve mentioned before how much I love pen palling. I also LOVE Halloween. So today my mailbox had a bit of spooky fun πŸ˜‰ I got aΒ super cute handmade card from a good friend of mine who lives in The Netherlands. I’m crafty and I am jealous of her ability to make the cutest cards. We’ve been writing for just over a year now. I just love her letters. She is very sweet and chatty and I consider her a good friend.

Underneath her letter was a white card, which meant I had to go inside the post office to get a larger piece of mail. (I miss the days of an at home mailbox, but times are changing I guess. At least here, anyway.) Β I was very stoked when the mail lady came out with a big brown envelope. It meant that an autograph arrived! And it was from the one and only Henry Cavill, my 2nd favorite Superman!!!


Walkers And Autographs


*********SPOILER ALERT*********

How AWESOME was ‘The Walking Dead’ last night!? I’m sorry (well, not really) but I have to take a moment to squeeeee about last nights episode. It was the best opening episode EVER! OMG! What I love about this show is that horror isn’t always the gore or the rotting zombies. When Rick and the guys were kneeling down and watching the other men have their throats slit one by one, my hands started to sweat and I felt weak. I felt their fear. As soon as I heard the explosion I just knew who it was. (The fiance didn’t agree with me…loved how he was proved wrong! πŸ˜› ) If you are a Walking Dead fan you have watched Carol change and develop so much since season one. She went from an abused woman, too afraid to stand up for herself to this awesome fighting machine. I am so back on the Team Carol bandwagon. I wasn’t really a fan of her back in the prison, but now…I want that chick on my side during the end of the world!!! It was awesome how everything came together. How she covered herself in walker guts to blend in, rigged that explosion and went after her friends. The show started with a bang (literally!) and ended perfectly. When they were all reunited, the best parts were Rick seeing his daughter, and the way Daryl ran to Carol. (I so hope they finally hook up this season…I’m not much for shipping but those two NEED to be together! Am I right???)

One of my geeky collections is autographs. I have been pretty lucky and have gotten to meet seven of the actors (at conventions. And all worth the money I paid.) I have a couple of photos but autographs from all of them. Collecting autographs is a hobby both me and my fiance have. He has way more, and it is a more recent thing for me. There’s two ways we get them.

The first: At conventions. If I have the chance to meet a celeb but can only do an auto OR a photo op, I almost always go for the autograph. You have time for a quick chat, unlike during the photo sessions. From ‘The Walking Dead’ I have met Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohen, Steven Yeun, Danai Gurira, Laurie Holden, David Morrisey and Micheal Rooker. (To all the fans of Daryl Dixon, Norman is a pretty sweet and cool guys and gives pretty great hugs πŸ˜› )


The second: Through the mail. Years ago I wrote to celebs with little luck. Mr.C on the other hand had lots of luck. This year we both decided to start writing again, just for the hell of it. He has had many successes, but he has also written to a lot more people then me so far. There’s a few websites you can hit up. Some are free, while others have a small fee, like (which is what we now use). The best way to get a result is to send a self addressed stamp envelope with a photo you want signed. Sometimes an actor may return your item unsigned but will enclose a pre-print photo. Sometimes you will have no luck at all. And when you do get lucky, you have your photo sent back signed, and the odd time a small note. Greyston Holt from ‘Bitten’ wrote “thanks for the lovely letter” on the back of my photo. Mr. C recently got something from a hockey player, with a short letter inside. Here are a few that I have gotten in the mail.

DL autokyleimg045

As some of you may know, I love getting Happy Mail. And these always make my day! Do you collect autographs? How many are in your collection? πŸ™‚