Breaking it Down: Writing Goals for 2019


The last few days I have been thinking about what I want/hope to accomplish this year in my writing life. At the end of the day (well, year) I’m not going to beat myself up over what I didn’t do.

I’ll be honest, at times I feel like a total fraud or impostor. I’ve mentioned that before but I figured out a (small) part of why. There are times when I don’t write. I don’t mean for a few days or weeks. I mean months. On end. And how can I can myself a writer when I don’t write? (In my defense, I am always dreaming up of new stories and characters…but I end up staring at a blank page or blinking cursor.)

So, my goals for the year will help me to create more. That’s the real goal. So here is my personal break down.

10 minutes a day: Thanks to a FB group I’m in called 10 Minute Novelists, I decided to do just that: write ten minutes a day. No pressure or stress. Surely out of a twenty-four hour period I can find ten minutes to write. There will be days when I don’t manage it, but that’s okay. Life happens. During my minimum of ten minutes, I will work on my current WIP, a new story or blog post.

Get Organized: I have many notes, scraps of paper and old writing journals that I need to get together. Figure out what ideas I want to work on and put the rest in the maybe later pile. I have a partial ‘series bible’ for my Lily and Quinn series. I’ll sort out and re-write it and add to it. It’s a project I keep meaning to get to but procrastination tends to be my best friend.

Blogging: I did really well last year being here, but I did drop off. (Life happened) Part of my problem is sometimes I don’t know what to write here. So I am going to brainstorm some writing and nerdy topics to help keep me going. Writing, book reviews and maybe an author interview or two is on the list. What would you like to see here? 🙂

Nanowrimo/Camp Nano: I did camp nano last spring and really enjoyed it. It’s a lot more flexible then Nanowrimo. But I plan to partake in both these events, and start a brand new shiny project come November.

Writing Retreat: On several occasions, myself and some female writing buddies have done our own little retreat. The last time was 2 years ago and I am thinking we are due for another. The weekend is full of writing, talking about our projects/aspects of writing, as well as wine and snacks. 😉 It’s a fun weekend with loads of laughs and I come home with progress on whatever project I took with me.

So, those are my writing goals for the year. What are yours? What do you hope to finish?

Preptober: NaNo is Coming


Hello all! And happy turkey weekend!

I am pretty happy as we are now in my favorite month of the year! Cooler weather means my brain now functions better too! Sweet! 😉 I love summer but there is something about that heat and humidity that throws me for a loop.

October is time for good food, fall splendor, Halloween and Preptober…time to get ready for November and the writing madness!

Up until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t sure if I was going to do NaNoWriMo this year. But then I decided, why not, let’s do this!

With my release of my ebook this month, I decided to stay in the same world as those characters. I have a couple of Lily and Quinn novel attempts, but I *think* I have something more solid now for this project.

Blood Bonds

During the rest of this month I hope to pop in with some writing prep updates, maybe some tips and I want to hear from you! Are you taking part? And what is your Nano prep?

I will also be introducing some of my characters from Blood Bonds. In the meantime if you would like to meet them for yourself you can get the ebook at: ,


Barnes & Noble

Writing News: My Book Release!


Happy October, y’all! It’s 2:32 am on this first day of my favorite month and I can’t sleep. For two reasons. 1) I napped a lil too much today. And 2) My e-book is now LIVE!!! I am so excited! I got the email just a few minutes ago from Amazon that it’s now up and available! *squeeeee*


Lily and quinn cover

Lily Myers is living an ordinary life until she meets Quinn Carter. When Quinn turns out to be a century-old vampire, Lily is thrust into a reality where she’s an unwilling believer. But as her fear fades and her curiosity wins out, she finds herself falling for Quinn and learning more about this new world. From hunting down a vampire killer to meeting werewolves, Lily’s life has definitely taken a turn…but whether it’s for the worse or better, she’s still finding out.

This collection of short stories are those that I have written over the last ten years. The first story, Awake and Alive, is one I am proud of as it was the first story I ever had published. But each one in this collection holds a place in my heart for one reason or another.

I have fallen in love with these characters, and I keep getting sucked back into their world. There is so much I can do with the world I created for them. And they are always getting into trouble somewhere and meeting new…beings.

Since October is a month for spooks and the supernatural, I figured it was the perfect time to release my collection. I plan to write some posts this month about my characters, but in the meantime you can start getting to know them over here at and 

I do plan to expand to Kobo and a few other places. Bear with me, my fellow word lovers. This world of self publishing is a new one for me. 😉 Now I think it is time for me to head to bed, since work isn’t too many hours away!

Mini Writing Update


I sat down this evening to write an author bio for an anthology my writers group is putting out. I’m pretty excited about it and I will be sharing the writing news and updates in the near future.

Writing an author bio is…weird. At least that’s how I found it. I tried to make mine sound like fun. Tried being the key word here. I didn’t realize how important an author bio is until I hit up Google for tips. I like it when the bio is light and fun, so I aimed to do the same.

I also finished the line edits for my short story, Switched. This is story number five in the Lily and Quinn series and it’s an attempt at writing humor, which is what the theme is of our anthology.

It feels really good getting these two things done, even though it didn’t take long. I’m not prolific but I have reached my goal of being published and not giving up, so that’s what matters to me. However if the hubby and I ever win the lotto I would give up my day job and sit at my desk a little more. 😉


Camp Nano: The Road So Far


I decided to set my sights at being more writing focused this month. Not just writing new projects, but editing old ones, being on top of my blog, reading more articles on writing, etc…

I also set my camp goal for 35 hours, which I thought was a reasonable goal. My husband comes home soon and I know writing and writing related things will go to the side just a bit.

So far, things are going along great. As of writing this, I have put in 16 out of 35 hours so far. But by the time you read this, I will have logged in a bit more at the very least.

I have been writing and scheduling blog posts, edited my last short story, started a new project (not sure yet if it will be a novel or not), read a number of articles on writing that I was putting off and have made pages and pages of notes, for new stories and unfinished projects.

I am really happy with how things are going so far and I will do the same goals for next camp.

How is your writing life going? How is Camp Nano going for those of you taking part?

Hello April! Let’s Go to Camp Nano!


I’m feeling pretty good today. In just over a week Mr. C will be home after working away for almost six months. Also, March left like a lamb and I am excited about this months writing goals!

Last week I signed up for Camp Nanowrimo. It’s like national novel writing month, only a bit different.

camp nano

Just a cute image I found for camp.

Camp Nano takes places twice a year. Instead of writing fifty thousand words in a month, you can tweak your goals. You can write a new piece, edit an old one, etc… You can also pick your goal of what you put in. Word count, lines, hours, etc… are some of what you can pick from. For more about camp, read about it here.

My goal for the month is to put 35 hours into my writing. A reasonable goal I think. Also, I signed up that I would be editing. But I will be doing a number of writing projects, including writing/planning blog posts, final edits on my latest work in progress, writing a new piece and writing notes on new and old projects.

I’m pretty excited about it and I feel really good about this month. Last year was my first year taking part in Camp Nanowrimo, and I failed my goal. However, I was in a very different mind set last year so I know this year will be different.

Are you taking part in Camp Nano? What are your writing goals for the month? Tell me in the comments! 🙂

February Wrap Up


Check it out, two months into the year and I am actually keeping up with my goals. Woot woot! 😉 Today is also my momma’s birthday. She is an amazing woman and I love her to bits.

This month was good in a lot of ways. Winter hasn’t been nearly as harsh as usual, thinking more positive is making a big difference in me, and I am checking off goals and adding new ones.

Writing: I finished a short story which is now in the hands of my first round of beta readers. I am getting great feedback. The biggest thing for me is that my editing skills have improved a lot. Aside from some line edits, I don’t need to make any major changes. Now I am figuring out what to work on next: a fantasy novel I started a few years back, or finish a story I started last NaNoWriMo.

Blogging:  I have been keeping up with this little corner of my world. I love popping in here. It helps to organize my thoughts, and I love chatting to those who comment. 🙂

Positive vibes: This month has had some bumps. For instance, I have hit that wall where I just want my husband to be home. It isn’t easy that he has to work away. BUT, the way I view things now has most certainly gotten me through things. I still write at least one good thing a day in a journal, and when I feel my thoughts going down a bad path, I stop myself and can usually get myself back on track. I feel really frickin’ good, peeps! 😀

The Book Pile: I am now on book four of the year! My goal is to read fifteen, which is very attainable. If and when I go beyond that, bonus! Although I did break my reading rule. Instead of reading books only out on my table, I have been switching things up. But hey, i am in the reading groove again, that’s all that matters.

Other projects: I have been doing pretty good with keeping up on my pen pal letters. I have a couple to write, but they are newer. It feels good being more regular in my snail mail. I am hoping to make my own envelopes soon, or at least creating some mail art.

I hope you have had a great month. How are your goals coming along?

January Wrap Up


I started the year with a number of goals, wondering how far I would make it. i wondered how many of my goals I would keep working with. Today is the last day of the month and I am really happy with how things are going!

Writing: I was late in the game with this one but this past weekend I sat down and wrote 1100 words on my newest short story. This is for an anthology my writers group is putting together. i am really happy with how it is going, and I’m having fun with it.

Blogging: My goal was to write at least one new post a week, if not two. I am happy that I have been able to manage this so far. Thanks to my followers for sticking with me, and a big hello to those who found me this month! 🙂

Positivity challenge:  A big thing for me this year is to think better, and remind myself daily of something good. I have a journal and I write at least one good thing about my day or how I am feeling. I have kept up with it. My journal is on my coffee table and every evening after supper I sit and jot in a note.

The Book Pile: Again, I was late in the game with this one BUT the other night I sat down with Sherry D. Ramsey’s Dark Beneath The Moon. It is a sequel to her One’s Aspect to the Sun. It’s a sci-fi novel that features Luta Paixon, captain of the Tane Ikai, a woman in her 80’s but looks like she is in her 30’s. There is always one thing or another keeping her and her crew busy, both on and off the ship. I will be doing a review once I finish the book.

So, I am pretty happy with how the month is going. On a bonus note: another month under the belt until my husband comes home from working away. We have more then half of the time under us now, thank goodness.

How are your goals/resolutions going so far?

Nanowrimo Wrap Up


Hello fellow writers and wrimos!

I had good intentions-as usual- to write a post before Nanowrimo started, and to update during the month.

However, life was a little hectic in October. Mr. C was prepping to go away for work, so we were spending time together, mentally prepping and doing laundry…so much laundry. (We had no clue what he should pack or how much for his six month stint away).

After he left, I jumped right into Nanowrimo mode and was writing and focusing on it as much as I could.

I was a Nano Rebel this year. I decided to write short stories instead of a novel. I haven’t decided yet if that was a good idea or bad, haha.

I failed to hit 50k. However, instead of hating myself for “failing”, I am looking at the positives.

I wrote more in November then I would have if it wasn’t for Nanowrimo. I also have three…maybe four…short stories in progress. One is mostly done. (Although I realized the other day I need to change a lot at the beginning but it is for the best).

I attempted Nano and in my own way, I won. If you didn’t get to 50k, don’t beat yourself up about it. You didn’t fail. You started something, and now have something to work with in the coming months.

It also helped me get back to my writer brain. I have ideas for other stories, plus I want to get back to unfinished works and edit first drafts. I have also been reading articles and tips to write better fiction.

I lost my writing mojo for awhile. I think I might have found it again.

How did you do in November? Did you crack that magic number or fall short of your goal?

Lost In The Word Mines


It dawned on me today that I haven’t been around in the last few weeks.

Over the last while I have been getting back to feeling like my old self. One of the great things about it is that my creative brain is functioning at almost maximum speed. The only problem with that is that it is highly distracting. I would love to spend my day gathering ideas/inspiration on Pinterest, writing notes and scenes, but instead I have to focus on real life. It’s a shame how that gets in the way of fun. 😉

I have been making progress. I have started a story bible of sorts on my series that I write. I have also been making visual character sketches and world building. Mr. C is gonna flip when he discovers I have used  most of the ink in a very short time. If only there was an endless supply of the stuff. Or at least enough to keep up with all my projects.

There was a time when I had no ideas. Like the well was tapped dry. Now the ideas are flowing quicker then I can keep up with them. Not complaining though.Nope. The ideas and the creativity are who I have always been.

What are you working on? I hope that whatever creative and writing endeavors you are working on are going well.  🙂