Another Spin Around The Sun


My feelings about 2019 summed up perfectly.

I think most of us can agree 2019 was for the pits.

Mr. C needed major surgery (and we are still waiting on biopsy results);  my mother is in hospital while waiting for a nursing home (and rapidly declining while she is there), several other loved ones got bad news, my depression was bad and my anxiety started getting out of control. Between hospital visits and the like, I became exhausted and I stopped taking care of myself.

If you are reading this and can take just one thing away, please let it be this: self care is important. I learned this the hard way.

But 2019 had light spots along the way. We learned who our true friends were, D&D nights are the best way to spend time with friends, and our Greyhound is still coming out of her shell, even becoming a cuddle bug. We must be doing something right.

Thanks to a doctor I spoke to when getting a med refill, she referred me to mental health, and now I am doing a program called ICAN, which is helping me gain control of my anxiety. It’s forced me to take care of myself, and I am starting to feel like my old self again, a little at a time. (My couch is amazing. He’s helped me more then he could ever know).

The end of 2019 has had me gaining control and getting organized. While I have said before I don’t do resolutions for the new year, I do plan to continue my progress for 2020. Staying more positive, continuing to work on my anxiety, and getting back to the things I love. I have started a book club and have made a plan to get organized in the new year. Change and progress doesn’t happen overnight. But I am feeling pretty good about the new year.

Hello 2020, I look forward to meeting you.

January Wrap Up


I started the year with a number of goals, wondering how far I would make it. i wondered how many of my goals I would keep working with. Today is the last day of the month and I am really happy with how things are going!

Writing: I was late in the game with this one but this past weekend I sat down and wrote 1100 words on my newest short story. This is for an anthology my writers group is putting together. i am really happy with how it is going, and I’m having fun with it.

Blogging: My goal was to write at least one new post a week, if not two. I am happy that I have been able to manage this so far. Thanks to my followers for sticking with me, and a big hello to those who found me this month! 🙂

Positivity challenge:  A big thing for me this year is to think better, and remind myself daily of something good. I have a journal and I write at least one good thing about my day or how I am feeling. I have kept up with it. My journal is on my coffee table and every evening after supper I sit and jot in a note.

The Book Pile: Again, I was late in the game with this one BUT the other night I sat down with Sherry D. Ramsey’s Dark Beneath The Moon. It is a sequel to her One’s Aspect to the Sun. It’s a sci-fi novel that features Luta Paixon, captain of the Tane Ikai, a woman in her 80’s but looks like she is in her 30’s. There is always one thing or another keeping her and her crew busy, both on and off the ship. I will be doing a review once I finish the book.

So, I am pretty happy with how the month is going. On a bonus note: another month under the belt until my husband comes home from working away. We have more then half of the time under us now, thank goodness.

How are your goals/resolutions going so far?

Positive Vibes For The New Year


I have been thinking a lot the last few weeks about the events in my life in 2017.

I have had some hard moments. My summer was filled with a lot of tears and sadness and by the fall I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.

The last couple of months I have been ‘forced’ to think more on the positive side. My husband is away for a total of six months for work. The only way I have been getting through it is thinking of the good things to come from it, and in turn it is changing my way of thinking.

When you are in a rut, sick, or in mourning, it is easy to get stuck in a negative vibe. At least that is the case for me. When it rains, it usually pours.

I don’t really plan to make resolutions for 2018, but I want to carry on the good things I have taken from this year.

Taking part in Nanowrimo this year kicked started something for me. I had been in a writing slum for awhile. But now I am excited to get back to older, unfinished works, as well as having a bunch of new ideas for future stories. Yay! 🙂

Also, I want 2018 to be a much more positive year. I am going to savor the little things, and even on the bad days come up with something good. I might start a gratitude jar or write something in a journal each day.

2017 has kicked a lot of peoples butts this year, including mine. 2018 is going to be the year that I kick back.

I hope you all have a fantastic New Year’s and that 2018 brings you everything you want. ❤