Ending My Week On A Geeky Note


Work has been crazy busy, which is great. But by Friday evening I was more then ready for the weekend.

When I got home, there was a large brown envelope waiting for me. I knew it was another autograph success!!!

And what a success it was! I squealed as I opened the envelope and pulled this out.

simon pegg

Simon Pegg, in one of my fave movies, Hot Fuzz.

I got this one back fairly quick, which was awesome. He’s currently filming here in Canada and he was able to get to his fan mail right away it seems since it took less then two weeks for it to come back to me.

I am a HUGE fan of Simon Pegg. I love everything I have seen him in especially ‘Hot Fuzz’, ‘Paul’, and ‘Shaun of the Dead.’

I also spent last night laughing my ass off with four pretty awesome nerdy men. Mr. C and I invited a few of our friends over and one of them brought ‘Risk-Godstorm.’ I love Risk and different versions of it. The game was pretty good (a tad confusing), but it was a lot of fun and kept us going until the wee hours of the morning.

The geekiness doesn’t stop there. Tonight I am heading to a wedding reception. The theme? Batman! I am super stoked to celebrate with this awesome couple and to maybe borrow some ideas for my own nerdy wedding next year. πŸ™‚

I hope you are all enjoying your summer and have a fantastic weekend!

My Newest (and most favorite!) Star Wars Item


It’s been a little hectic here in my part of the world. Work has been very busy (now I can buy groceries- yay! πŸ˜‰ ) and I have little time to myself. At the end of the day I am too tired to do very much, so projects, letters and reading have gone to the side for now.

I am however, slowly getting some things done for the wedding next year. So far there’s zombies, storm troopers, and super heroes incorporated.

I have been able to write the occasional piece of fan mail. A few weeks ago I wrote to one of my favorite kick ass women.

carrie fisher

Princess Leia. Bam!

When I wrote to Carrie Fisher, I had no idea if I would get a response and I figured it I did it would take a long time. But just over twenty days later I got this in the mail, so I am pretty stoked.

It’s almost TGIF, and I am celebrating a bit early. I am heading out for some good pub food with Mr. C and some friends shortly. Then I plan to sleep, work tomorrow. and sleep a part of my weekend away.

I hope your summer is going great and you are having lots of fun! πŸ™‚

Incoming: Geek Mail!


One thing I love about penpalling, is making some great connections with people. I especially love creating new geeky friendships, like the one I have withΒ Shannon! πŸ™‚

Awhile back, we decided to do a mail swap. Since we have been writing to each other for awhile, I knew quickly that she’s good people, and I could trust her. And since she trusted me, we knew we wouldn’t get burned.

We are both big geeks and went with a fandom themed swap, and set the limit at $25. Which was hard since I wanted to buy her ALL THE THINGS.

Missing from the picture is a leather bracelet stamped with the phrase ''Bow ties are cool''. Guess which fandom? :P

This is most of what I sent Shannon for her swap. πŸ™‚ (Not in pic is a Doctor Who themed bracelet).

She loved what I sent, and today I received her swap! Which made me squeeeeeee! I am very pumped and love all that she sent! πŸ™‚

The first thing I opened were these lil beauties.


Superman stickers and an Avengers projector pen!

And like the kid that I am, it didn’t take long for me to put on a light show.


Avengers! I have a feeling I won’t get much writing done when using this pen! πŸ˜›

I pretty much mini freaked when I opened the next bit.


I have loved Superman since I was itty bitty.

It’s a bit hard to tell in this pic, but those are Batman and Superman earrings. (Which might just end up being the earrings I wear next year for our big fat geek wedding!!! πŸ˜€ ) Also, Superman deco tape, which will be put to use this weekend when I sit to write some letters.


Game of Thrones goodies.

And the spoiling continues. I am in love with these bookmarks and necklace from GoT. I am thinking Khal Drogo needs to go in my next book.


Thor keychain and Lord of The Rings inspired earrings.

Thor’s hammer is about to go onto my key chain, next to my mini Jon Snow. And I giggled when I opened these earrings. I have been eyeing them up for awhile!! πŸ˜›

I am beyond happy with my swap and thrilled she loved hers as well. I also got a lovely letter as well, which I plan to reply to on the weekend. (As well as a couple of other letters I need to get to! Don’t worry peeps, I didn’t for get you! ^_^ )

After a very long day and a couple of more ahead of me, coming home to this package on my table was a great pick me up. πŸ™‚ Thank you again, Shannon!!!!! xoxoxo

For The Geeks Who Love Bugs


I came home from work, feeling tired but got my butt in gear to do some housework while Mister worked on mowing theΒ yard.

I threw the laundry in the washer and as I shut the door something caught my eye. At first I thought a leaf was stuck on my window. When I realized what it was, I ran outside onto the porch to check it out.


So this is on my window…

I think it is some sort of moth. I have never seen one like this before. Have you? And if so, what the heck is it called?! We think it’s pretty cool. It’s been chilling on the screen for an hour or more.

The Importance of Backing Up Your Work


I might have talked about this before, when NaNoWrimo was taking place. But I just had a big reminder of advice I give out often to newbie writers. (And sometimes even those who have been writing a long time don’t think to do this.)

I dug out my memory stick. Something that was long over due, and popped it in my laptop. I wanted to save a few files, and also access a couple of things not on my laptop.

Imagine my surprise (no wait, the horror!) when I wasn’t able to open my files. ALL of my work, located on my memory stick, was inaccessible.

Cue the “I’m gonna be sick” feeling rolling in my stomach.

I panicked, and Mr. C arrived home before I had a mini meltdown. With his laptop and skills he could get me my files, Β and also announced I needed a new memory stick. He was lucky he could get what he did for me. A lot of my work was already on my laptop, but there were a few things I needed.

I will buy not one but TWO new ones soon.

I learned a long time ago that it is VERY important to back up your work. The last thing any writer needs is to have their 500 page epic or their character sketches gone in a blink of an eye.

So I always have everything on my computer and memory stick. However, I think I will figure out a third option, because technology can go bust at any moment. I might use Dropbox, or (and?!) email myself a copy of my work, just in case. At the very least I can access that from anywhere.

And good old fashioned hard copy. I do love having a finished piece in my hand, hot from the printer.

Go forth, write, and for the love of God back up those fantastic works in the making! πŸ™‚