Top Faves of 2018


Hey all! Well, we are about to say goodbye to another year. Since I started off this year focusing on the positive, I thought I would make my last blog post of 2018 on the same note. From books to tv and personal moments, here is my list of favorites from the year!

Book: While I didn’t read as many books as I had wanted this year, I did binge out on some great reads. It’s a hard thing to pick a favorite book, but I think for this list I am going with new-to-me author Candace Osmond and her Dark Tides series, which I have raved about here. The Devil’s Heart is the first in the series and it got me hooked! I am looking forward to reading more of her work in 2019.

Movie: Again, another hard pick. I watched a lot of great flicks and there were a ton that came out this year I didn’t get to watch yet. But I am going with Black Panther, which was a kick ass awesome movie! I loved every aspect of this movie, and I can’t wait for the sequel.

Song: I got hooked on a few new bands this year, thanks to my husbands great taste in music. The band July Talk is now on the top of my list of fave bands, but the song Roots by In This Moment is my binge song of the year.

Celeb Meet: Hands down, Manu Bennett. I met a few cool people and had a blast at comic con in Toronto, but he was on my bucket list for a few years and I was supposed to meet him a few years ago. He was an awesome guy, and I enjoyed chatting to him.

me and manu

I was so happy meeting him I didn’t even care I looked like shite in this pic haha.

Life Moment: Adopting our greyhound, Foxy. It has been a much more rewarding experience then I could ever have imagined. Watching her come out of her shell has been amazing. She’s a hoarder of stuffies and she makes me laugh every day.


Bucket List Moment: Getting to see Bryan Adams in concert with one of my best friends. Mr. C surprised me with the tickets last spring. He wasn’t able to come with me but miss Tanya joined me for an amazing night.


This year was a good one. I hope 2019 is just as good. What are your favorites of 2018? I would love to hear what book, movie or moment is on the top of your list! 🙂

2018 Wrap Up


Another year is just a little ways from being over.

While there were some bumps in the road, I gotta say that this year was pretty good. I even accomplished more then I realized or expected.

Writing: I am pretty happy with what I have done this year, even though I had hoped to do more. But I blogged more then I had in awhile, published a new short story and self published a collection of short stories.

Reading: I didn’t meet my Goodreads challenge, unfortunatly. I had aimed for 15 but fell short at 9 or 10. I do have a new reading goal and plan for 2019 but I will save that for my New Years Day post.

Positive Vibes: About half way through the year I stopped writing in my positivity journal, but I didn’t stop looking at the good side of life. I had a lot of good things happen this year that helped keep me focused. New salon location, expanded with adding a new co-worker, adopted our greyhound, a trip to Toronto to name a few. The journal I kept really helped my mindset and made me feel better over all. That’s been a huge thing for me this year.

Goals for 2018: I didn’t cross everything off of my list but I crossed off some, and added a few things as the year went on. Usually I give myself a hard time for not finishing goals/projects but I learned to not be so hard on myself.

So, how was your year? Did you accomplish any of your goals?