Book Shelfie


One of my goals for January was to finally organize and clean out my office/library. It was used as storage for junk and whatnot for the last number of months. I missed my hideout so I made it my top goal for January. And I finished it today! πŸ™‚ While it’s not perfect, it is so much better. I can actually see the floor now. πŸ˜‰ And my desk is cleaned off. Sweet!

My most favorite part of my office (aka the bear cave) is my bookshelf. A built in case that my hubby’s late uncle had put in. My shelf is home to my many books as well as some of my favorite nerdy collectibles.


The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Munsters collectibles.Β 

Growing up, one of my favorite things to do was reorganize my bookshelf on a Saturday. Who am I kidding, it still is. πŸ˜‰


I have one section on here for novels by authors I know and other local authors. Plus, the four anthologies I have stories in. πŸ™‚


Undercurrents, Airborne, Unearthed and Flashpoint have four stories from my Lily and Quinn series. These are published by Third Person Press.

This shelf is my favorite part of my home, if I am honest. I plan to get a beanbag chair or another comfy chair and create a little reading area for myself in my office.

What does your shelf look like? Do you have a reading area?

Book Shelfie


It is a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I just walked in my office. I stop to admire my bookshelves, which I have recently gotten cleaned and organized. None of my friends get how fun it is to play with the books, rearranging them and making room for Β new additions. If I am weird, then I don’t want to be normal. πŸ˜‰


A view of my floor to ceiling book shelf. Lots of books and lots of geekery.

I try to keep it organized the best I can. By that I mean I like hardcovers all on one shelf. What irks me most is when I can’t put all of one author on one shelf. My Stephen King paper backs are on one, and the hardcovers are on another. I know, I know. #Bookwormproblems.


One of my Sons of Anarchy plushies Mr. C gave me for Christmas. There was no way I wasn’t adding them to the shelf.

During the holidays, when I had the chance to look at some book themed blogs, I noticed a lot of people had mini lights to make their shelves festive. I plan on doing that soon, just for the fun of it. I figure it will make my cave a bit more cozy at night.


My SOA plush dolls chillin among my books.

One thing I really had to do when I cleaned this up was get rid of junk laying about and stacking them properly. Things got messy with my cheap library sale finds. As you can see, I have plenty of room for new additions. πŸ˜‰


Jack Skellington, Sally and even Sam Winchester sit atop keeping watch.

I have never owned a shelf this big before. When we found out we were moving into this house, and Mr.C brought me over, my eyes popped out of my head. It is by far my favorite thing in our home. I know other people have bigger and better, but to me, my books and shelf are perfect. It holds all of my favorite things and offers many places to escape to.

What things are on your shelf, aside from books? Does your get messy with new books shoved in, or is that just me? πŸ˜‰