New Year, But Not A New Me

Like this photo I’m taking a leap of faith for the new year. *Photo not mine*

2020 is finally over, and we’ve moved onto what I can only hope to be a better year.

At the end of 2019, I had been hopeful for 2020. In 2019, my mother was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, put into a hospital, and my husband (who was born with polycystic kidneys), was told that he had a large tumor on his right kidney, and they weren’t sure if it was cancer or not. He under went surgery at the end of the year.

When 2020 came, we found out he didn’t have cancer, the remaining kidney wasn’t great but holding its own. My mom was put into long term care and started to improve. I felt good. Like the nightmare was over. I got back to reading, I even started using a planner and getting organized.

But before long, the corona virus was world wide, my business was mandated to shut down (which lasted for two and a half months). I wasn’t able to see my mom for a long time (for her safety), and when I could it was limited but I was grateful. I worried about the future of my business, my creative side of my brain was too busy worrying and feeling uncertain that my plan to write a novel during shut down went quickly down the toilet.

On top of all that, my husband got the news his kidney took a drastic decline, he was told he wasn’t allowed to go away for work by his doctor since he now needs a kidney transplant. We don’t know how long this will take. The process is a long one, and I am still waiting to hear if I am a match or not.

By this time, the hope I had for 2020 was down the toilet, too. With everything that was going on, a lot took a back burner. Including this blog.

But, in all the mess there were good moments. Work reopened and I was busy. My husband is otherwise healthy and soon will start dialysis. I wrote 50,000 in November for National Novel Writing Month (not the full novel but a good chunk), and of coarse the news broke that there was a vaccine. Hope to eventually get back to normal. Or, “normal-ish”.

Not to mention the second season of The Mandalorian was EPIC. (I am obsessed with Baby Yoda/Grogu). I hit the books and read seventeen novels. I know there’s people who read way more then me but I’m happy with the number. My book club, The Happy Bookers, kept going. We met online. We didn’t let a pandemic slow us down! 😉 It helped give me something to do and focus on. Things like snail mail started making a come back and people began to connect more and even re-connecting with people from their past. I’m happy to say I created a stronger friendship with one person, and I heard from a former pen pal of mine, and we have picked up where we left off.

At the end of December I was hesitant coming into the new year. I felt happy and hopeful and to be honest, that scared me. Because in the last two years I have learned that when I feel that way, it doesn’t last long.

So I decided to tip toe into 2021. With some hope and keeping my enthusiasm to a minimum for now. I’m not making any plans or resolutions. There’s things I want to do but that has nothing to do with a new year beginning. I just have some major catching up to do. 😉 I also plan to get back to my Nano novel soon, as I forgot how much I loved to write and turns out, I can still do it. I can still get words in, create new worlds and characters.

So, it’s a new year but same old me. But I’m okay with that. I do hope that each one of you have a wonderful year. That good things happen for you and to you. I think we all deserve that after this crazy time that will go in the history books.


May Madness


Hey all!

How is May going for you? It’s been an interesting month so far, both in my life as well as the world in general. To my fellow authors, #cockygate: wtf?!

I haven’t had a chance to write a proper post. I have been pretty busy, which is a good thing. But I wanted to pop in and keep the writing wheels greased.

Work is crazy busy. Everyone wants their toes lookin’ good since summer is on the way. The weather is warming up and the sun is out more. People still complain that it is chilly. Like, there is NO snow on the ground, be happy!

Also I have had to tackle some “not fun” stuff like paper work prep to get my taxes done. Being self employed means I get extra time to file. AKA more time to procrastinate like a motherfucker.

Mr. C left Sunday for work. Which means I can spring clean and purge without him underfoot. I love him but it’s so much easier to do these things with him out of the house. I can work uninterrupted and I can toss things without him questioning me. My goal: get the housework done by next weekend so I can slack off til he gets home. And by slack off I mean catch up on Supernatural and write.

Even though I am busy my imagination is always at work. I am excited to be able to get to some projects. I also hope to get to some creative projects before the month is over as well.

So, how is May treating you so far?


Snail Mail, Old Man Winter and My Currently Off Kilter Life


I feel like I should start off with an apology.

My life the last two months has been very up and down, and my inner timeline is messed up. Every time I think of a post that ‘needs’ to be written, my next thought is “Oh, that should have been last week.”

Like my Month of Letters in February. I wasn’t the best at keeping up with updates and fun mail.

I’ve got a few ideas rolling in my head that center around the writing life, books and other geekery, I just haven’t had the mental energy or brain cells to remember to write them up.

I’ve had my mom on my mind for the last week or so especially. She had a surgery (all went well!) but of coarse, the worry and stress took up a good 90% of my brain.

The winter and I don’t exactly see eye to eye, either. And with the shit show that has nailed us here on the east coast, it makes me want to hibernate with books, video games, and Storm Chips. (Because, every snow storm needs some salty goodness to get you through it.)

I’ve had a few shining moments in the last week or so. My newest autograph showed up in the mail.


John Lithgow in one of my all time fave movies, ‘Harry and the Hendersons.’

I was pretty stoked the day I opened this. I have been a huge John Lithgow fan for years.

I also had another ‘celeb’ pop up in my mail box when I got another fab letter from Shannon.


Captain America was joined by two other Avengers. #Snail Mail Win

I also got two late Valentines, which was a sweet surprise. Mel and Sarah both sent me one. The one from Mel is currently missing in my paper pile (If you are reading this, thank you and no rush with a letter. ❤ ) And this one is from Sarah in the USA.


Snail mail Valentine. Too cute eh?

So, I promise I will get properly on track as soon as I can. Right now Momma Bear comes first on my list and also in my head.

In the meantime, when I am not re-blogging other cool posts or making a quick stop in, I’m making a list of ideas for future ramblings.

I hope you’re surviving the winter. And don’t forget the Storm Chips! 😉